(I always feel like I'm catching up with friends when I click, "New Post" and start typing away. I kind of like you guys.)
After 32 hours in a bus, two days of walking, a bit of rain, and an amazing experience - I'm back and completely rejuvenated and inspired. (Minus my body, which is achy and sleep-deprived.) I don't think I can fully explain what this weekend meant to me. Everything I can think of just sounds like silly fluff. (My attempts? "It was a festival of love and caring of peace; a river of compassion." and "It made me truly proud to be an American and Catholic." See? Cornball City, USA.)
A few things I do want to remember:
- Such an odd collection of humanity. From young families to aging flower children to older nuns who looked like your grandma to college students with 27 piercings in their face - there were people of all ages, races, and religions.
- A 4:30am Krispy Kreme donut is equal parts disgusting and amazing.
- The whole bus singing Let It Be and Don't Stop Believing accompanied by a college guy playing his acoustic guitar.
- Food Not Bombs providing endless free vegetarian meals to everyone. What an awesome movement.
- Seeing a dozen of friends from college. It was surreal seeing so many people I knew in a random city in Georgia.
- I felt an indescribable sense of belonging. Sometimes it can be a bit lonely thinking things like this, but not this weekend. We are one body, for real.
I think, most of all, the generosity, kindness, and openness of all those I encountered impacted me. Although it wasn't the purpose of this weekend, I was really inspired to take a hard look at myself, who I am, and what I am spending my time and energy on. Big questions like, "Am I being the truest version of myself?" and "What do I want from life?" and "Who do I want to be?" are swirling around in my head, demanding I slow down and think.
Meeting people who are unabashedly themselves do that to you.
Other things to tell you:
- My guest bloggers were awesome, weren't they? Thank you, guest bloggers! You rock. (I'm biased and am totally excited that my little sister did one. Woo!)
- I am insanely excited (and flattered like WOAH) that 20-Something Bloggers picked my post to win the Blogger Carnival: Can't Live Without. My prize is $100 in my Alice.com account. I have an account but have never used it yet, but imagine that this $100 will be the beginning of a long and lovely relationship wherein I can go shopping for organic hair conditioner and fair trade coffee beans in my yoga pants. Sa-weet. (PS: My post is here.)
- My book review of Ten Ways to Change the World in Your Twenties is up at The Greenists. I felt pretty important telling everyone who asked me what I was reading that it was an advanced copy to review. Go check it out!
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