Saturday, December 19, 2009

I Wanted to Blog to Tell You How Awesome You Are.

I wanted to blog to tell you how several people have shared this article with me and that makes me happy.

I wanted to blog to tell you how I went to the dentist for two cavities and ended up getting four filled.

I wanted to blog to tell you how a drunk girl told Mike he looked gay.

I wanted to blog to tell you how wonderful and sweet my dentist is, despite the inordinate amount of Novocaine.

I wanted to blog to tell you how three out the four new emails in my inbox last night were about freelance design jobs.

I wanted to blog to tell you how absolutely hilarious our staff and faculty Christmas party was - and how I won the spa prize. Free manicure and a bottle of White Zinfandel!

I wanted to blog to tell you how excited I am about break. Two weeks of no work and pure family time and laziness.

I wanted to blog to tell you how I'm going to pick up my sister from college today to start our break.

I wanted to blog to tell you how I have another giveaway. It's a big deal and I'm swallowing my Apple snobbishness to do it.

I wanted to blog to tell you how I'm a bit sick of finding out about people's Huge Life Changes via Facebook.

I wanted blog to tell you how I am more obsessed with the idea of giving birth than a squishy little baby face.

I wanted to blog to tell you how brunch is the best meal ever.

I wanted to blog to tell you how wonderful getting cards in the mail is, and how I seem to have misplaced our stack of Christmas cards.

Instead, I'm going to pack up, pick up my little sister, drive 2.5 hours and pick up our other sister. There is a possibility that much baking will ensue. Family time, commence!


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