Heck yes, table 10!
When I heard he was getting married in January. In New York. In upstate New York, I was a bit less than enthusiastic.
A wedding in the dead cold of winter? I pretty much want to hibernate and wear sweatpants all winter long - let alone drive over five hours through snow to wear a dress in more snow.
January? Really? Hmm. Well, then.
It ended up being the most rejuvenating weekend imaginable. A weekend filled with delightfully warm(er) weather, laughter, dancing (oh! the dancing!), good food, and wonderful people. The kind of people who warm your soul with their sincerity, kindness, and a bubbling sort of love. It also reaffirmed for the 50 bajilionth time that nearly everyone who graduates from Dayton is down-to-earth and fabulous in an indescribable way.
I tickled a one-year-old and witnessed his first swimming pool experience, I took too many photos, I ate the most amazing Italian food, I enjoyed being with countless vegetarians ("When two vegetarians get married, it's the most exciting thing ever, because they're all, 'Yes! We're going to have entire meal consist of foods we can actually eat!'"), and I basked in the embrace of a weekend brimming with love.
There is something special about weddings - aside from all the stress over the silly little details (colors! flowers! center pieces!), the delight of the bride and groom in their new marriage, the reminders about what marriage is all about during the ceremony, and the presence of so many family and friends always seems to inspire my commitment to be a better wife to Mike. (It didn't hurt that Mike was playing guitar during the wedding and his musical abilities would make anyone want to be a better wife to him. Seriously.)
Weddings are magical.
Especially in January. (The four day weekend? May have helped.)
(A sucker for all things wedding? Check out the slideshow from the wedding. And be prepared for the song to make you want to get married in January, too.)
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