Monday, February 22, 2010

Elaborating on the Whole Baby Thing.

I always joked that the worst part of being pregnant someday would not be giving up alcohol, but giving up coffee. I. Love. Coffee.

(I also joke that if my children are allergic to peanuts, I'd give them away before I'd give up peanut butter.)

Well, my friends, it has been 61 days since I last drank coffee.

It has been 61 days since I found out I am pregnant.

Sixty. One. Days.

Do you know how difficult it's been to NOT tell the Internet?

I wanted to tell you how I found out, how surprised we were (are), how I can’t stand the smell of lettuce now, how delighted we are, how my parents reacted when we told them, how we told our parents, how much I love my midwife, how I threw up in a trash can in the kitchen while my in-laws were visiting, how we seriously cannot agree on names, how two of my aunts are currently pregnant and due this summer as well, how we found out two days before Christmas and spent the next ten days in complete shock.

And, now, I can.

[First, though, let me promise that this will NOT become a pregnancy-only blog. Promise. Pinkie-swear. I don’t want anyone to feel awkward or out-of-place by my being pregnant. And, trust me, it feels a little weird to be a part of “them” – those people I knew who were my age having children and made my head spiral into a train wreck of thoughts - “ohmygoshthisiscrazy! ifeelsimultaneouslyoldandbehindschedule! ahh! cannotrelatetothesewomen!” If I wasn’t pregnant, I’d start to imagine some sort of conspiracy – about a dozen people I know on and offline are currently pregnant. I feel like a lemming. Ha.]

I am three months pregnant (a third of the way through, WHAT?) and it’s still very, very surreal to me. We heard the heartbeat last Friday and saw the little bean last month. My belly is protruding a few inches (my midwife? Who I love? Told me, “You’re thin so I can easily feel your uterus.” Telling a pregnant lady she is thin? Nice move.) (Also, I feel like a poser calling myself a pregnant lady.)

But still, it’s a bit unreal. I mean, there’s a baby in there? Psh. I believe it when I see it. Or feel it. (I read in my “Pregnancy Journal” – stop laughing at me, please – that if I poke my belly, the baby wriggles in response. Since it’s only three inches long, I can’t feel anything. But, oh! I can try to stay realllly still and imagine what a 3-inch long baby wriggling might feel like. Don’t worry, I don’t poke too hard.)

I’m so glad I have this blog to talk about this journey- both so you all can be a part of it and so I can look back later and remember. 

Thanks for being here and for being so excited for us.


  1. Ah! Congratulations!!!!!! I'm so excited for you guys! You're going to be amazing parents!!!!

  2. Congratulations!! I think I'll be ready by next year to start trying (hubby and I just got married in Sept.) but at that point I won't be able to even spare my readers the play by play! Ew....

  3. Congratulations! I know how hard it is to keep it a secret (my wife and I were DYING to tell the internets), but yay!

  4. DYING to hear about your midwife, how you found out, how you told your parents, etc etc!

    yay for you guys!! :)

  5. So so so exciting. Congrats again!

  6. I can't wait to hear all the details (or at least the parts you want to share). I am so happy for the both of you.

  7. Congratulations again! Even though I'm not planning on having a baby anytime too soon, I am really excited to read about your pregnancy, especially because you are vegetarian and "green."

  8. I hope you do still tell us some of those details! :)

  9. I am dying to read all about your pregnancy journey, HOT MAMA! :)

  10. This is just so wild!! Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations again, and I can't wait to follow you on this journey =)

  11. I am still so giddy for you! If I were to get pregnant again I can't imagine how hard it would be to keep my mouth shut until the first trimester was over. So kudos to you on your will power. I can't wait to read about your journey. Welcome to the ranks of parenthood!

  12. Holy crap! Congrats lady. I'm so excited for y'all! Definitely keep us posted :-)

  13. Oh wow, I am so excited for you! I am glad you let us in on the journey! :)

  14. Ah the joys of being pregnant...I can't wait to fall pregnant...congratulations to you!

  15. Yay! You will most certainly be the cutest pregnant blogger ever. :) Best wishes, Ashley!

  16. I can't wait to hear all of these stories :)
    Once again, SO happy for you both

  17. What?! WHAT?! CONGRATULATIONS to the both of you! This is SO exciting and I seriously can't wait to hear every bit you share with us!

    I may or may not have even teared up with joy while reading this.

  18. AHHHH! YAY! I'm still so excited even though I was psychic and KNEW IT! :)

  19. I swear I posted a comment earlier! What happened? Oh well, I'm sure it was user error!

    It's been exactly 61 days since I've had a latte or a chai, as well. And it's been seriously difficult, especially since I work in a coffee shop, and with all those delicious smells!

    I'm so excited for you, and equally as excited to read about your journey!

  20. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE! That is all. Wait, no it's not. I can't wait to hear everything. :D

  21. Oh my god, you're 3 months pregnant?? I had no idea that you were THAT far along! I thought you had just found out! (Obviously, I'm not "with it" when it comes to trimesters, & such.) But oh my god, you are 3 months pregnant?!?!?? I WANT TO SEE YOUR BELLY. In a non-creepy kind of way. ;]

    & gosh, I still get goosebumps when I think about you & Mike having a baby together. Beautiful. You'll make excellent parents, for sure. Congratulations again, & again, & again, & again...

  22. CONGRATS!!!!!!!! You re about to enter the best chapter of your entire life. I pinkie swear promise!


  24. I can't wait to hear what you&mike's reaction was to the news and I can't wait to see pictures of the belly!

    so excited for the both of you :)

  25. YAAAAAY! Congratulations, Hot Mama (-to-be)!!!!! How incredible! Many loves and prayers and joys sent to you during this part of your life, so full of blessings!!!!

    Cheers to you both! Yay!

  26. Honey, there is always a pregnancy conspiracy. As soon as you start even thinking about babies, EVERYONE is pregnant. I've probably known close to 30 people who have had babies in the past year. Seriously. That's insane.

    And I don't think pee stick photos are cliche, but maybe that's just me.

  27. I can just imagine you laying there poking at youf belly. hahaaaaaaaaaa! So excited to hear about everything! Also, I am one of those people WHO FEELS REALLY BEHIND!

  28. So happy for you. And way to go NOT telling the internet. I don't know if I would have held out. You are stronger than me :)

  29. Isn't it so crazy to know that there's a tiny living thing inside of you? And that three months ago, it wasn't even there? And that it's moving? SO WEIRD! But good weird. Even though it seems sort of alien-weird. It's not an alien.

  30. Wow! So excited for you!

  31. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness!!!

    So ridiculous happy & excited for you. You and Mike will make the loveliest parents. =)

  32. Can I just say I KNEW you were pregnant!? I caught on to the little hints! :)

    I'm so excited for you guys, can't wait to hear more about your journey!!

  33. aw this post just made me even more excited for you guys. seriously you are going to be one of the cutest pregnant women ever! :)

  34. One of the coolest things that's happened to me this year? Feeling my childhood BFF's baby move earlier this month. So cool. Look forward to you sharing this journey with us!

    And I'd like to hear more about the midwife thing if you don't mind sharing?

  35. I've been reading your blog for a long time, and I just read your last formspring question. I think you have handled your baby announcement wonderfully. I am glad your blog has not instantly switched to all baby all the time.

    I never in a zillion years thought I would ever feel jealous of someone else being pregnant, but I'm feeling it now. I would love to have a baby, but for a lot of reasons, it ain't happenin' right now. And the truth is I love to read about other people's pregnancies and experiences. I just wish I could be experiencing it too. A part of me is looking forward to reading every word you have to say about your baby and another part of me is thinking about not ever reading your blog again because it will be too hard. But that's all because of my own issues. What *you* are doing is amazing.

  36. Please, please, please write about how you found out + how surprised you were (are), how your parents reacted when we told them, how you told your parents ... I wanna hear all about it! You and Mike are so cute! I wanna see you again!

  37. Congratulations! And I agree, please fill in all the details when you have time. Well, maybe not *all* the details, but at least those which you would have shared had you felt comfortable going public sooner.

  38. So amazing!!! Congratulations! I am so happy for you!


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