Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Drumroll, Please...

A tiny post, just so you don't have to wait for a week to find out:

I'm not taking the job.

My mom and husband think I'm making the right decision, so I'm happy about it. A little scared about letting the employer know, but a sense of relief is definitely a good sign, right?

Thank you for all of your comments, Tweets, and emails. It's much appreciated!

I still have two months to look for a job - part- or full-time - before this one it's all good. I hope.

I just have to have faith that my future holds something else equally as wonderful...

Now to finish sewing, pack, make the declining-the-job call, and leave for El Paso-slash-Mexico!

PS: Just got my new business cards:
Finished product.


  1. It's definitely great to have the support of your husband and mom. Good luck making the call!

  2. it takes a LOT of guts to do what your doing. it looks like your taking this chance to really find your passion & your fit... turning down security (and health insurance) isn't an easy thing to do but you're SO doing the right thing for yourself and that's something to be proud of. :)

  3. Congratulations on the decision! It sounds like you chose both your sanity & lifestyle, you guys are going to have an amazing year of growth and adventure from the sounds of it!

  4. Well, you're much more courageous than me! Following your passion is an amazing opportunity. So many of us just accept the first cubicle job willing to take them (me included, although I supposed that's what I studied for - not many outside-the-box opportunities from computer programmers). I'm happy to be following your story, at least it gives me a taste of the good life (sometimes cubicle life, with all of the securities it entails, can be a little mundane!)

    Good luck!

  5. your business cards are amazing

  6. Now, I hope you are able to rest easy and enjoy your weekend!

  7. I'm glad you figured that one out!! It seemed like a 'hassle' job, too much of a hassle to be worth it ;) Something better will definitely come along :)

  8. It was gutsy for you to even consider a job with that long of a commute--I probably wouldn't have. I'm sure you will find something else that is better and won't give you permanent road rage.

  9. Glad you made the decision and the hard part is behind you. Love your new business cards. I need to get some professional ones.

  10. Not that my opinion is valued over husband or Mom, but I agree with your decision as well. In this economy, people are scared to turn down the wrong job, and that worries me more than money. When people start doing jobs they don't love and are willing to do things they wouldn't do under normal financial situations, I get worried. It's all too easy for employers to get greedy when they know that people are too scared to do anything about it.

    But I digress...

    Never underestimate the annoyance of a long commute. If it was the best job in the whole wide world, then it might be worth it, but if you already have doubts plus the commute, that doesn't bode well. You'll never know how something would have turned out had you made a different choice, but I think you'll end up on top no matter what. Good luck!

  11. Ashley, I didn't leave a comment on the original post because so many had already said what I was thinking... that it was clear what you wanted to do, you just needed to screw yourself up and do it. I'm so glad you did!

  12. I think you made the right decision. I understand that it was a super hard choice- but good for you.

  13. I'm relieved for you. I know you're making the right choice. Thank goodness for understanding mothers & husbands, right? ;]

  14. I'm so glad you made your decision! That's always the hardest part, but the fact that your hubby and mom are behind you makes it all so much easier on you. Now that you've got the hard part out of the way: HAVE FUN THIS WEEK!!!

  15. I really think you made the right choice Ash, and i think it took guts to make it!
    I think you'll be happy with your decision and hope you feel at peace now that you've made it. The fact that you have your husband and your mom backing you and supporting you means the world i'm sure!!
    I love the new business cards!!

  16. Good for you! :) I'm also glad that your mom and husband are with you on this.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  17. Yes, good for you!

    Have a wonderful trip!

    Also, those cards are amazing!!!!

  18. The new cards are cute!

    Have a fun trip. :-)

  19. I have to say that I think you made the right decision as well. I think that with that long of a commute it would have really taken away from your life....

  20. All these people talking about how the long commute would have been detrimental are making me feel awful about my own job/75 minute commute!!

    I'm so glad you're happy with your decision and the sense of relief is entirely worth it. Enjoy your trip, lady!

  21. You don't need us to tell you that you did the right thing (just as you didn't need us to tell you what to decide!) but I am glad you went with what your heart and mind were telling you. (Although maybe there is a bit of a comfort in knowing that if you absolutely had to, you could take on a seemingly imposing job.) Good for you, and good for your positive attitude. Nice business cards.

    And if I may add: Don't let the employer make you feel guilty for turning down the offer. In the end they will appreciate it even if they don't at the moment. These things happen, and they work out for the best.

  22. Go with your heart and you can't be wrong. The right job is out there for you, and you will know it when you find it. Good luck!

  23. I totally LOVE those business cards!

  24. I missed out on the advice-giving (you didn't miss much, trust me :)), but oh, I am so glad to hear how it turned out!! I'm proud of you!! (Can you be proud of someone you've never even met? Because I really am)

    I will be praying that your decision is blessed a thousand times over! :)

    have a wonderful trip!

  25. I'm so excited for you and that you made this decision! It sounds like you made the right choice!

    Also, your business cards are UBER cute! Where'd you get them from?

  26. LOVE the business cards honey! And so happy you made a decision that you feel good about!


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