Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hi! Bye!

That trip was, hands down, the best part of my job yet. We went on both sides of the border - meeting with people, law offices, border patrol, a special agent with the drug enforcement administration, immigrants, farm workers, and just eating a LOT of amazing food. (I totally got another one of these. Okay, two.) I gained three pounds due to pumpkin empanadas, but was able to run FOUR MILES for the first time in a few years.

I never took a Spanish class, but learned quite a bit from hanging out with several adorable children. Including a 9-year-old who proposed to me. :)

Her mom told me I could be her adoptive mother. And then I found a BB (from a BB gun - what an awkward word) in her mouth, so I gave her back.

Or not.
Seven days in the desert makes me appreciate our green grass, trees, flowers, and RAIN! (I could never be a border patrol agent, but of course I'll be cheesy and pose on their boat.)

And, now, on to the next adventure! I have an interview this afternoon, half a day of work tomorrow, and then going to Myrtle Beach for a week. (I'm bringing my Mac with me so I can do (design) work.) I might just forget how to go back to a cubicle. :)


  1. How neat! I think it's so cool that you do little trips like this. :] You've got it made, girl!

  2. Oh my gosh! That's a crazy trip! I love that picture of you on the border patrol boat - that should be your header lol

    Our Little Apartment: To live simply....AND PROTECT! =)

  3. Good luck on your job interview!

  4. What a nifty excursion :) And good luck with the interview--I know you'll rock it!

  5. forgetting how to go back to a cubicle is always a good thing! Yeah for traveling :)

  6. Have you heard of the book Four Hour Work Week? I haven't read it yet, but I am excited to! Check out the site when you have a minute:

  7. If I could NEVER return to a cubicle... well, I'd be one happy little Lily :)

  8. ohmygosh, the litte girl had a BB bullet in her mouth??

    good luck on your interview!

  9. Wow it sounds like an amazing trip!

    Hope your interview went well!

  10. Lovely! I hope that you are having a wonderful time at the beach!

  11. Lovely! I hope that you are having a wonderful time at the beach!


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