Monday, May 4, 2009

The Subtle Return.

Someone commented on my last, let's-just-try-a-break post that they would eagerly await my triumphant return. Sorry to disappoint.

I'd expected to come back bragging about my new zen-like, peaceful life with clutter-free floors, a job under my belt, life figured out, and a flat stomach. Alas, my house is still messy, I've fruitlessly applied to a dozen jobs, and I still tend to prefer Candy Cane Joe Joes to running.

I'm on my way there, though. Honestly. I chose cuddling with Mike during a movie instead of crafting (I have issues with doing nothing. I love multi-tasking FAR too much to be healthy). I chose cleaning instead of wasting time on Twitter. I chose going to bed instead of staying up on the computer. I learned so much in my graphic design class. I wrote with pen and paper in a real journal. I went to my little sister's retreat and hugged her. I made a bag which I'm in love with. I babysat my cousins. Twice. (see: photo above.) I grew my design business. I spent time with my siblings and parents. I drank tea, I did yoga, and I spent as much time in the sunshine as possible.

Here's to a well-balanced life.

PS: I missed writing. I'm never leaving you, Little Blog. :)


  1. welcome back! looks like you got a lot accomplished even if it doesn't feel like it. any time off of the computer is twice as productive, in my book.

  2. Balance is good. We should all strive for it. I tend to over-multitask so sitting still for a movie? Hmmm, maybe I should try that.

  3. You were so much more productive then when I took time off from blogging. Welcome back! :)

  4. Aww welcome back! Are you freelancing for your design business?

  5. Hooray! Glad to see my fiance and I's initials are famous on your little blog :-D

  6. I'm glad to read about your fabulous life again :) And I'm also glad I was able to hang out with you for a bit on Saturday. Have a wonderful and super-great week!!

  7. Nice to see you (and the cute little cousins)!

  8. I bet taking that time out for *you* though really felt great :) SO glad you're back!

  9. I have a hard time not constantly multitasking too. Glad you had a good break!

  10. Welcome back! :) The cousins are absolutely adorable!

  11. I'm glad you're back too. it makes me happy when my favorite bloggers actually blog!! :)

  12. yay! you're back! the pictures of you and your cousins are priceless!

    love your expression in the first picture :)


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